About Me

- sincerelyniah
- I am a daughter, sister, auntie, niece and mother. i am a woman. i am honest, loving and loyal but don't cross me. with that being said, i'm also a self acclaimed comedian. i'm a people person and a people watcher. i'm simply niah.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
A Must-have
I know we just got into the summer good, but i wish i had known about this during the winter. I will be looking for this this upcoming Winter!!!
Whats your Type?!?!
So, did you know that there is a diet for your particular blood type?! Per Dr. Peter D'Adamo, there is. There is a whole history related to your blood type, the diet that works better to keep you full of energy and at a sustainable weight, as well as what stress relievers work best for you.
It's said that many neurochemical factors in Type A genetic disposition favor a structured, rhythmic, harmonious life, surrounded by a positive, supportive community. It makes sense considering i don't do well around negative energy and i like things to be peaceful.
I mean the article goes on and on. It really made sense when it said that we should stay clear of meat and that we are more of a vegetarian eater. I always feel super heavy when i eat meat and it takes forever to digest. I literally cant eat meat before bed because i feel so uncomfortable and cant sleep. Since i was a kid, i could remember loving vegetables and especially fruits. My daughter is the same exact way and she is also Type A.
He also points out that the following factors are known to increase cortisol levels and increase mental exhaustion for Type As - be aware and limit your exposure when possible:
* Crowds of people
* Loud noise
* Negative emotions
* Smoking
* Strong smells or perfumes
* Too much sugar and starch
* Overwork
* Violent TV and movies
* Lack of sleep
* Extreme weather conditions (hot or cold)
All of the things mentioned above, i self-consciously stay away from, so to me, this is definitely the real deal and not just a Fad.
Lastly, he mentioned great calming work outs that i should consider; Yoga, Tai Chi [i've always wanted to try] and Meditation. I can definitely get with this.
Check this link out and see what's said about your blood type. http://www.dadamo.com/program.htm
It's said that many neurochemical factors in Type A genetic disposition favor a structured, rhythmic, harmonious life, surrounded by a positive, supportive community. It makes sense considering i don't do well around negative energy and i like things to be peaceful.
I mean the article goes on and on. It really made sense when it said that we should stay clear of meat and that we are more of a vegetarian eater. I always feel super heavy when i eat meat and it takes forever to digest. I literally cant eat meat before bed because i feel so uncomfortable and cant sleep. Since i was a kid, i could remember loving vegetables and especially fruits. My daughter is the same exact way and she is also Type A.
He also points out that the following factors are known to increase cortisol levels and increase mental exhaustion for Type As - be aware and limit your exposure when possible:
* Crowds of people
* Loud noise
* Negative emotions
* Smoking
* Strong smells or perfumes
* Too much sugar and starch
* Overwork
* Violent TV and movies
* Lack of sleep
* Extreme weather conditions (hot or cold)
All of the things mentioned above, i self-consciously stay away from, so to me, this is definitely the real deal and not just a Fad.
Lastly, he mentioned great calming work outs that i should consider; Yoga, Tai Chi [i've always wanted to try] and Meditation. I can definitely get with this.
Check this link out and see what's said about your blood type. http://www.dadamo.com/program.htm
Monday, June 27, 2011
7 Day Detox...Day 4
Agony i tell you!!! Okay, so i didnt blog on Day 2 or 3 because i figured i could sum it up with no problem. here goes.
On the eve of Day 1, everything seemed to be going normal. I got off of work, went home and had a few pieces of fruit and then headed to the gym to get in a good work out. All was well until that evening. I laid there in bed to only feel like there was a rollercoaster ride going on in my stomach. And the saga begins, i thought to myself. I'll spare you the details but i will say that i was privately tucked away for a good 30 minutes. After that, i was exhausted and in bed early.
DAY 2 (saturday)
Saturday, i took the appropriate dosage of 4 pills in the a.m. and stayed home for the most part of the morning. I noticed that after eating anything....literally, even a piece of fruit, things start moving around in my belly and soon after, i find my self in the private place again. Later that afternoon, we decided to finally get out of the house and meet up with a friend for lunch. I played it safe and had plenty of water and a appetizer side of sweet potato fries from my favorite restaurant, Busboys and Poets, while everyone else indulged on brunch filled will their famous Langston Hughes french toast, buckwheat pancakes, cheese eggs, grits and fruit. i was missing out but i was satisfied with my yummy fries. By that evening, i was still doing ok. I ate a small dinner and took my final dosage of 4 more pills before i went to bed and all was well.
DAY 3 (sunday)
All was well when i woke up at the crack of dawn around 7:30am. Stretched and laid there in bed for a moment thinking about going to the 9am service at church. Well....not so much. By 8:15am, i was cramped over and running to the nearest throne. No way was i going to deal with this while at church trying to get in a good sermon. No can do. By 9:30am, i was visiting the throne again. Wow! This wouldve been all bad, had i left the house. So far, this seems to only be a morning thing. Yet and still, i took my 4 pills to stay on schedule. By mid day, i'm back to normal and my happy go lucky self. Unfortunately, i havent been back to the gym because i over did it the first day. My legs are so tight, i can barely walk. Now add that with trying to run to the bathroom for a horrible episode of....well, you know.
Later that evening, i went outside of my comfort zone and had 2 slices of cheese pizza. I was a little nervous of the dairy thing, but turns out, everything was okay. I popped 4 more pills and went to bed.
DAY 4 (monday)
i woke up feeling like i didnt sleep at all. if i were crazy, i wouldve thought i was 6 months pregnant with a baby in my belly moving and kicking. Needless to say, i'm not preggers, but the agony of it all kept me in bed for a couple of hours later than unsual. I made it to work 2 hours late, but i made it regardless. the day went smooth until i felt the need to treat myself to a cheeseburger. BAD IDEA!!! My belly has not had meat in 4 days (probably longer) and i was subjecting it to that out of my own selfishness. Hey, it's gloomy outside, cold inside and i'm bored out of my mind. what was a girl to do?!?!? AVOID MEAT AT ALL COST....but oh no, i had to have it. Well, i learned my lesson. no more meat for a while. At least until this detox is over.
All in all, i'm happy with my results. Just in 4 days, i feel light, lost a couple of pounds and moreso in my waist. My almost visible muffin top is pretty much gone. Its really making me feel like my work out at the gym is worth it now. 3 more days to go and maybe even a couple of more inches from my waist line.
Update to come in a couple of days. :-)
Friday, June 24, 2011
7 Day Detox...Day 1
So, today i begin my detox. I'm super excited to get off this unwanted weight caused by toxins and a whole lot of other things that i wont go into detail about. At the same time, i'm super nervous. My body is very sensitive to just about anything and reacts very fast. Literally!! If i take an antibiotic, it works almost instantly. i even have hyperpigmentation, because my body works fast at healing itself. Its all a good thing because it tells me my immune system is at top notch, however, doing a detox is a big deal. The product i chose to take with the appropriate name "The Cleaner" [pun intended i'm sure] is said to work and work very rapidly, like within the first couple of days.
With The Cleaner, you take 4 vegetarian pills on the evening of the first day and 8 pills a day [4 in the morning and 4 in the evening] for the remaining 6 days. I just knew that i would be sitting on the throne first thing this morning after taking the first 4 last night. So far, i'm good, however, i'm at work now and the thought of having to handle my business here makes me so uncomfortable. Thank God its Friday! I'm praying that nothing starts until i get home.
During this detox, it doesnt specify food to stay away from. Because the pills are all natural, made up of vegetables and fruits, it provides all the vitamins and minerals needed to not only flush your system of toxins and parasites but also replenish the things your body requires. However, during this time, i have to stay totally hydrated. 8-10 glasses of water a day and thats a struggle for me, but i have no choice or i will be out of commission for the next week.
Anyway, to help my detox along, i've decided to stay clear of all meats....yeah, i said it...ALL MEATS, dairy products, salt, wheat, fast food and anything with the ingredient "High Fructose". I will be a bonafide vegan for the next week. To substitute, i will eat lots of beans, fruits, veggies and maybe even try tofu. I'm not going to stay clear of carbs, but i will minimize my intake especially white products like white bread, white rice and so on.
So why did i decide to do a detox? Toxins and poisons can build up and accumulate in the body leading to poor nutrient absorption, feeling tired and weight gain. By clearing out these toxins you allow the body to recover and ‘reset’ itself back to normal levels.
Many other benefits of detoxing that others have experienced are increased energy levels, clear skin, better water retention and reduced tendencies for food addiction. And truth be told, i am addicted to food. I really believe that eating is one of my most favorite hobbies! :-)
So stay tuned for my daily detox as i will keep you all posted on my journey.
Disclaimer: I'm not a physician and cannot give medical advise. I am only trying what i think works for me. Please consult your physician before making a decision to detox.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
It's the little things...
My sweet boyfriend teaching my daughter how to cut her own nails while i cook dinner. Small lessons like this will be with her forever. I think childhood is amazing. We have the ability to teach children the things that they will need to know as they grow older. Like literally, they know nothing until you teach them. The journey of life is amazing to me. Even the little things...
My hearts desire...(besides an engagement ring! heehee!!!)
Seriously, how can you resist these cute faces?!?!? I want one so bad, but i think i will wait until i'm married or a stay at home mom. In the meantime, i will admire from afar. :-)
Take away the stresses
My rememdy for road rage in Northern VA rush hour traffic! Don't knock it until you try it...i swear it works! Lol!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Short-term Vision Board...Try it!
You have to start somewhere. There's no such thing as having long term goals without short term goals. From the smallest thing to the largest. Whatever you choose to have manifested, you have to believe it can be.
Long-term Vision Board...Believe!
Above is my long-term vision board.
A vision board is basically a collage of pictures coupled up with meaningful affirmations.
When your 2 minds are in perfect alignment NOTHING will hold you back, you will now start to manifest all those desires you’ve always wanted but never received..
The Law of Attraction gives us what we ask for, positive or negative, and a vision board forces us think in a positive way.
Be Positive – Get Positive Back
Be Negative – Get Negative Back
Doing me [a little better]!
Lately, I have been restless, emotional, easily annoyed, fatigued, overly sensitive, tired and just plain ole BLAH! I've come to the conclusion that i must be lacking some very important essentials in my life.
Since the summer began, i have been getting it in with the parties and hanging out. I mean literally, i have been on the go non-stop and it's starting to wear on me just like the commute is wearing on my car too and from work. That's another blog though. My body is not used to this and is threatening to shut down. Proof came to me when i became ill with the worst cold ever just a few weeks ago. I sounded like i had a smokers cough and it hurt like nobody's business. it was horrible, for a lack of better words! Then i became light headed at random times of the day very frequently. Not to mention, every and any little thing fired me up. That is not me at all!!! Everyone knows me to be optimistic no matter the situation.
After picking a fight with my boyfriend last night over something so silly, we hung up and took a minute to really think things over.
So before i end up losing my job, my man and peace of mind, I came up with this:
* I'm woman, so i have a natural characteristic of being emotional.
* I am emotional because my body feels heavy, bloated and i don't feel attractive.
* I am miserable because my emotions and being overly sensitive has caused my lack of great communication skills with my right hand man, my boo, my love, my bestfriend [all one in the same]
* Falling ill simply came from my atmosphere of sick colleagues but also, my horrible eating habits, depriving my body of a balanced nutritional diet.
* I have had an extreme lack of energy because my workout regimen has ceased to exist.
All of this has been too much and something has to change immediately. After talking to one of my closest girlfriends yesterday, I am now amped with starting a full body detox system. Not just the one that will help with my bloat feeling, but one to relax, relate and release all of the negative energy i have been feeling and in retrospect, giving off.
These are some things i need to do daily for my journey, which to me has no destination, but is more of a constant that should exist in my daily life.
Water...atleast 64 ounces a day (the 8 x 8 rule)
Sleep...I know it sounds corny but i want to be in bed by 10pm on a school night even though all the good reality shows don't come on until 10. bah-hum-bug!
Food...I pride myself on eating healthy but lawd knows i gets it in at Chipotle, sometimes more than i should. Note to self, Gaucamole on my burrito bowl does not serve as my vegetable intake for the day. ugh! Lol!
Exercise...one day i want to be able to say, "I am Fifty, Fit, Fine and Fabulous!!!" I can't wait until i'm 50 to start though. So, a consistant work out is necessary starting today!
Detox...Sometimes, a little extra is needed to rid your body of toxins, parasites and a whole lot of other sh*t! [pun intended]. LOL!
I'm looking forward to rebuilding my great habits and accomplishing my daily goals.
Prayer...Last but surely not least and THE most imporant thing is prayer. I need my spiritual life to be just as strong with my physical life. It keeps my faith and emotions in tact.
My 7-day detox will start on Sunday morning including working out, eating right and drinking lots of water, so please so a little prayer for a sista and i will keep you all posted on my progress.
Getting healthier is my new gig! Besides, i'm addicted to my happiness and if i'm not getting my daily fix, i turn into a hot emotional, tired, mean mess! LOL! SMILE!
Since the summer began, i have been getting it in with the parties and hanging out. I mean literally, i have been on the go non-stop and it's starting to wear on me just like the commute is wearing on my car too and from work. That's another blog though. My body is not used to this and is threatening to shut down. Proof came to me when i became ill with the worst cold ever just a few weeks ago. I sounded like i had a smokers cough and it hurt like nobody's business. it was horrible, for a lack of better words! Then i became light headed at random times of the day very frequently. Not to mention, every and any little thing fired me up. That is not me at all!!! Everyone knows me to be optimistic no matter the situation.
After picking a fight with my boyfriend last night over something so silly, we hung up and took a minute to really think things over.
So before i end up losing my job, my man and peace of mind, I came up with this:
* I'm woman, so i have a natural characteristic of being emotional.
* I am emotional because my body feels heavy, bloated and i don't feel attractive.
* I am miserable because my emotions and being overly sensitive has caused my lack of great communication skills with my right hand man, my boo, my love, my bestfriend [all one in the same]
* Falling ill simply came from my atmosphere of sick colleagues but also, my horrible eating habits, depriving my body of a balanced nutritional diet.
* I have had an extreme lack of energy because my workout regimen has ceased to exist.
All of this has been too much and something has to change immediately. After talking to one of my closest girlfriends yesterday, I am now amped with starting a full body detox system. Not just the one that will help with my bloat feeling, but one to relax, relate and release all of the negative energy i have been feeling and in retrospect, giving off.
These are some things i need to do daily for my journey, which to me has no destination, but is more of a constant that should exist in my daily life.
Water...atleast 64 ounces a day (the 8 x 8 rule)
Sleep...I know it sounds corny but i want to be in bed by 10pm on a school night even though all the good reality shows don't come on until 10. bah-hum-bug!
Food...I pride myself on eating healthy but lawd knows i gets it in at Chipotle, sometimes more than i should. Note to self, Gaucamole on my burrito bowl does not serve as my vegetable intake for the day. ugh! Lol!
Exercise...one day i want to be able to say, "I am Fifty, Fit, Fine and Fabulous!!!" I can't wait until i'm 50 to start though. So, a consistant work out is necessary starting today!
Detox...Sometimes, a little extra is needed to rid your body of toxins, parasites and a whole lot of other sh*t! [pun intended]. LOL!
I'm looking forward to rebuilding my great habits and accomplishing my daily goals.
Prayer...Last but surely not least and THE most imporant thing is prayer. I need my spiritual life to be just as strong with my physical life. It keeps my faith and emotions in tact.
My 7-day detox will start on Sunday morning including working out, eating right and drinking lots of water, so please so a little prayer for a sista and i will keep you all posted on my progress.
Getting healthier is my new gig! Besides, i'm addicted to my happiness and if i'm not getting my daily fix, i turn into a hot emotional, tired, mean mess! LOL! SMILE!
Monday, June 6, 2011
*singing* "summer...sum-mer... SUMMER-TIME!"
"Summertime" from Will Smith will forever be a favorite summertime anthem in my book! As soon as warm weather hits, i'm ready to put that song on blast, throw on my sunglasses, put on my long floor length strapless summer dress, sun hat and SPF 30. Oh, how i love the summertime! Not to mention the fact that its still warm in the wee hours of the night. I LOVE IT!!! Some may argue that its too humid outside or just plain hot, but i will deal with it. I am not a friend of cold weather, so i will take the heat anyday. Besides, warm days and nights make it fun to go out.
This past weekend, my friend Nikki and i went to Blues Alley to enjoy good food and a great band called "Pieces of a Dream". Not only are they extremely musically talented, but they all have great personality and are fun to hang with.
Memorial weekend, my honey and i enjoyed a bar-b-que with the fam and a house warming party for a friend. I was glistening like nobody's business, but it was great to be out late and not feel like i had to bundle up or hurry in before my feet went numb or my nose started to run.
Oh, how i love the summertime and the fun it brings. :-)
This past weekend, my friend Nikki and i went to Blues Alley to enjoy good food and a great band called "Pieces of a Dream". Not only are they extremely musically talented, but they all have great personality and are fun to hang with.
Memorial weekend, my honey and i enjoyed a bar-b-que with the fam and a house warming party for a friend. I was glistening like nobody's business, but it was great to be out late and not feel like i had to bundle up or hurry in before my feet went numb or my nose started to run.
Oh, how i love the summertime and the fun it brings. :-)
Featured on my Favorite Blog! Yay Me!!!
Friday, June 3rd could go down in history as one of the worst days in my working career. Maybe it was a.) the horrible traffic on the drive in, which made my commute 2 hours long or it couldve been b.) the fact that i am underpaid and over worked, or better yet, it could be that i am c.) being taken advantage of because the economy is in a crisis and upper management knows they have their employees by the nails. How about d.) all of the above. I'm sure many can relate to my issue, so i will take it all with a grain of salt until God blesses me with better. But back to the story at hand, i was determined to not let this Friday get the best of me and ruin my evening with my sweetheart, so what did i do? I went to my favorite website, www.curlynikki.com for a quick pick me up.
Yes, i love anything dealing with natural hair like a fat kid loves cake!!! i needed a quick fix, so i logged on right away with 5 minutes left in my day. What do i see as soon as i log in?!?!? A huge picture of me!!! Yup! There i was looking at a picture of myself and having a flashback of when i emailed my hair story to Nikki to maybe someday post in her "On The Couch" segment of her website. I was elated, astonished, excited....all to say the least. No sooner when she posted my story were there comments of encouragement from other natural ladies and some letting me know i wasnt the only one to go through what i went through. It was definitely a tear jerker to read some of the comments and i appreciated every last one. God works in mysterious ways!!!! I needed that more than anyone knows. I'm grateful that Nikki allowed to be used as a vessel to post my very personal story.
To view this post, please copy and paste this link: http://www.curlynikki.com/2011/06/on-couch-with-niah.html#comments and drop a comment. I appreciate all the love i can get! ;-)
Yes, i love anything dealing with natural hair like a fat kid loves cake!!! i needed a quick fix, so i logged on right away with 5 minutes left in my day. What do i see as soon as i log in?!?!? A huge picture of me!!! Yup! There i was looking at a picture of myself and having a flashback of when i emailed my hair story to Nikki to maybe someday post in her "On The Couch" segment of her website. I was elated, astonished, excited....all to say the least. No sooner when she posted my story were there comments of encouragement from other natural ladies and some letting me know i wasnt the only one to go through what i went through. It was definitely a tear jerker to read some of the comments and i appreciated every last one. God works in mysterious ways!!!! I needed that more than anyone knows. I'm grateful that Nikki allowed to be used as a vessel to post my very personal story.
To view this post, please copy and paste this link: http://www.curlynikki.com/2011/06/on-couch-with-niah.html#comments and drop a comment. I appreciate all the love i can get! ;-)
New Growth!!!
When i used to perm my hair, i dreaded new growth. To me it was a thick mass of a tangled mess. Now that i am a natural head, i yern for the day to see more new growth. Its exciting and i absolutely love to watch my kinky coils sprout up!!! I literally feel like a mommy, welcoming her new born baby coils after much preperation and nurturing of my head. heehee!!! With that, i am happy to say that i now have a baby TWA. My hair went from being shaved completely off on March 10, 2011 just days before my born day...
and now to this beautiful head of kinky coils...
i love love love my hair in the state it's in. often times, i get caught up in other hair blogs and vblogs on youtube where people are showing off their long beautiful locs of curls (as they should) and i get excited about when my hair will finally be SL (Shoulder Length) or BSL (Bra Strap Length). However, i have to pull back and be thankful for what i have now. Soon, i will be wishing it was a TWA, which is awesome for wash and goes or mist and go...literally. The longer natural hair gets, the more work it becomes, and even though its exciting to think about all the many styles i could rock, i'm not in a rush to feel the agony and pain of my arms being sore from twisting my hair all night or my neck hurting from a henna treatment. So in the meantime, i'm loving my happy baby kinky coils during this great summer weather. :-)
and now to this beautiful head of kinky coils...
i love love love my hair in the state it's in. often times, i get caught up in other hair blogs and vblogs on youtube where people are showing off their long beautiful locs of curls (as they should) and i get excited about when my hair will finally be SL (Shoulder Length) or BSL (Bra Strap Length). However, i have to pull back and be thankful for what i have now. Soon, i will be wishing it was a TWA, which is awesome for wash and goes or mist and go...literally. The longer natural hair gets, the more work it becomes, and even though its exciting to think about all the many styles i could rock, i'm not in a rush to feel the agony and pain of my arms being sore from twisting my hair all night or my neck hurting from a henna treatment. So in the meantime, i'm loving my happy baby kinky coils during this great summer weather. :-)
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