There are all different types of Freedom; Freedom of expression, Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly...i mean the list goes on. The Freedom i want to discuss is Financial Freedom. Can i just say that i am ecstatic to be one in a million of Americans who can actually say, "I'm DEBT FREE!" It is such a huge accomplishment and has been a goal of mine for many years. I finally made it and you can be next if you aren't already.
Back when i was in college, i knew nothing about debt, credit cards, paying bills on time...nothing and of course thats when every credit card company wants to give you a credit card with a line of credit that you know darn well you can't handle. This was the beginning of my oppression. Yup...after a while, creditors had to staple stuff on my credit report. it was BAD! LOL! I can laugh at it now, because i'm free of it all, but it was no laughing matter.

Now, i am excited to say that i am on my new journey of becoming a first time homebuyer!!! YAY ME!!! I mean, naturally, i wanted to buy my first home with my husband, but all your dreams dont happen in the order the opportunity presents itself. Oh, and no, the pic isnt the actually pic of my house, but hey, a sista can dream big can't she?!?! LOL!

Next, i plan to get a new car. I haven't decided which one yet, but it will finally be my "grown up car". I feel like my last few cars have been more on the teeny bopper side vs. grown woman style. I've gone from a Toyota Scion to a Toyota Yaris. In this economy, the only thing that was on my mind was gas prices, so i dont regret my cutesy cars, but i'm ready to ride in class. heehee! So should i go soccor mommish with the cool VW Touareg or go for the sassy C300 Mercedes?!?! Hmmmm...decisions decisions...And no, i'm not being materialistic because that is not in my blood, but i do know that God will continue to bless me abundantly as He promised He would do.
This, as well as many years to come, is where i claim VICTORY NOW. In every situation or circumstance. I am a victor, not a victim.
They sky is not the limit, i reach for the stars and the moon and before you know it, i will have the entire galaxy in my grasp. :-D
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